Monday, July 18, 2016

2016 07 19 Guru Purnima - Sri Ramakrishna

I did a past life regression recently in which I learned I was a young Indian woman devote of Sri Ramakrishna serving at the Kali Temple in Dakshineswar, and then later at Kalimath, a Kali/Lakshmi/Saraswati temple complex in northeastern India about 1/2 way between Rishikesh and Kedarnath.

Sri RamaKrishna is a mystic who lived at the Kali temple in Dakshineswar (across the river from Kolkata (Calcutta) around 1855.

What is so startling about this past-life regression experience is that the Call I received to go to India in 2012 was a picture of the KaliMat temple complex. I had a very powerful deja vu experience while there; I knew I had been there before but not when or why or how.

Also, when choosing a Yogananda Ashram to visit, while most people visit the most popular ashram at Ranchi, I was guided to go Dakshineswar. The Kali Temple was about a 20 to 30 minute walk from the ashram, and while visiting the temple I was allowed (as is all the public) to sit in Sri Ramakrishna's room for a while to meditate.

It's taken nearly four years for all this to "catch up" with me.

Here is an interesting story:
The Story of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s Enlightenment

To read the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, you may download this Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file. It's a large book of over 1,000 pages.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
By Mahendranath Gupta (“M”), His Disciple

Today's playlist contains three videos and plays for approximately 1:21:00

1 - Hare Krishna Hare Rama 10:53

2 - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa – Documentary 1:17:53

3 - Om Asatoma Sat Gamaya 1:51

 Playlist url: